
Our goal is to make others do better, be better.

And that entails helping you in being the best version of yourself and contributing to this world and others, so we all live in a better version of this home place we call Earth.

Inspired by Rich Litvin (I hope he doesn’t mind):

Official Bio

Life Coach with more than 30 years of experience. Including training in several roles, helping people solve their own problems through empowering them and offering knowledge when needed.

Helped many people achieve their life goals – sometimes the ones they were struggling with for more than decades.

Done countless courses on problem solving, emotional intelligence, people skills, etc. – and that is what puts him a position to be able to leverage his knowledge to help others.

And that is what makes it all worth it – being able to help others do better and be better.

Unofficial Bio

With many years of experience in the biggest school of all – life, Carles has read an unfathomable amount of books, done courses and meditated to help him achieve some of the toughest challenges he has encountered in his life: Including coming to a country in the other side of the world, with nothing and no-one to rely on. Having had to work his way off, including Monday to Sunday with double shifts while studying English at night, to be able to survive. And that was better than the being unemployed and not knowing what would have to have for dinner that day – that is a story for another day.

All in all, Carles has enormously invested in his most valuable asset – himself. Therefore, many friends an people from all walks of life have come to him for advice and surprisingly (or not), he has helped them solve their own problems. And through this process, and a bit later in a role where he acted as a trainer (although trainees ended up coming to him for his personal/life problems), he perfected his art of listening and assisting others in ‘solving their problems’ until he decided to take one step further in that direction and who knows, maybe even get paid for it – and that is how I became a professional life coach.