
  • We are growing

    My car broke down. I have several other problems and fires I need to put out. Not sure if I will have the time or capacity to keep investing in the gym. For the last 2 days I have had to organise not one, but two tolls to get the car at least to a…

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  • Always Ready

    Busy, a thousand things in my mind. Problems to solve, matters to tend to. Including a speech for which I had just rehearsed before leaving home not to be late for the meeting (I didn’t have time to rehearse it anymore, so I had to take a risk), emails, other problems outside work…. But the…

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  • First Shirt

    Driving on my lunch break to quickly pick it up. They are having some doughnuts at the warehouse, ladies seem to be quite happy (maybe someone’s birthday?). It seems at first she can’t find it, but after a bit of searching it’s finally there – hidden at the bottom! Maybe an omen… because the logo…

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