Best Speaker
This Toastmasters thing is starting to make sense. I prepare a speech and then do some rehearsals for at least 3 days and the whole structure, points, etc. take care of themselves as I practice. The whole thing is becoming more polished, more refined – it all starts to make more sense. I finished my…
We are growing
My car broke down. I have several other problems and fires I need to put out. Not sure if I will have the time or capacity to keep investing in the gym. For the last 2 days I have had to organise not one, but two tolls to get the car at least to a…
Always Ready
Busy, a thousand things in my mind. Problems to solve, matters to tend to. Including a speech for which I had just rehearsed before leaving home not to be late for the meeting (I didn’t have time to rehearse it anymore, so I had to take a risk), emails, other problems outside work…. But the…