Busy, a thousand things in my mind. Problems to solve, matters to tend to. Including a speech for which I had just rehearsed before leaving home not to be late for the meeting (I didn’t have time to rehearse it anymore, so I had to take a risk), emails, other problems outside work….
But the show organiser asks for a toastmaster for the second part of the meeting – it seems no one volunteered or someone had to step out or… not sure.
But the fact is that he asked for someone and it’s looking like no hands are going up. So screw it, I’ll do it.
Like they taught us at the Krav Maga Instructor Course – we should be ready to step in at any time.
Like a trained Navy SEAL, always ready to lead (or to follow) if the need arises. No. Questions. Asked.
And I agree, that is the mindset that a leader should have – always ready to step in, to lead by example. No. Matter. What 👊.
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