First Class

There are many things going on in my life at the moment. I just don’t know how will I make things work and unfortunately, I had to put my dojo dreams on the side.

While my heart is on it, I am afraid it will not be able to help me with something more important, paying the bills, at the moment.

However, sometimes, when you least expect it, you get a hand lifting you up from nowhere. Or a call, in this case. And this is how I got in touch with an old friend, who showed utmost loyalty and support. So I thought: screw it! If people want to train, we will train! Therefore I made a few calls. Faced my fears and the discomfort of having to find a place and book a room.

And it has happened: I have started my first Krav Maga class ever.

Sometimes, the biggest dreams start with the smallest steps 👊

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